Officer Shoulder Boards

Product no.: 1119220
Price includes VAT, plus delivery
Available delivery methods: Germany, Zone 1 EU (BE,DK,FR,NL,AT,PL,CZ), Zone 1 EU ( IT,SE,SK,SL,ES,HU,), Zone 3: EU ( IRL,FIN, EL, LT, LV, PT,MT)

These high quality slip-on Company Grade "Schulterklappen" include Prussian markings Silver Braid. Commonly worn with the M 1907/10 and later model Feldblusen throughout the war on other tunic models. Worn by Junior officers Lieutenant through Captain. These are the same quality as originals, Made by hand by a tailor using authentic materials and techniques. Available with the and available with White and Red backing for the following Korps assignments:


White: I, II, IX, X, XII


Selection: Officer Shoulder Boards

Product no. Color Status Price
1119220-W Weiss
24.50 € *
1119220-R Rot
24.50 € *
1119220-B Blau
24.50 € *
1119220-Y Gelb
24.50 € *
Prices include VAT, plus delivery


Product Note Status Price
Golden Rank Stars Golden Rank Stars
4.50 € * Notify on availability
Prices include VAT, plus delivery
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