1915 Pattern Officer Shoulder Boards

Product no.: 1119107-Y (Color: Gelb)

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Available delivery methods: Germany, Zone 1 EU (BE,DK,FR,NL,AT,PL,CZ), Zone 1 EU ( IT,SE,SK,SL,ES,HU,), Zone 3: EU ( IRL,FIN, EL, LT, LV, PT,MT)

These high quality German made slip-on Company Grade "Schulterklappen" include Prussian marked Subdued "Feldgrau" Braid. Commonly worn after 1915 with most models of Feldblusen.Worn by Junior officers Lieutenant through Captain. These are the same quality as originals, Made by hand by a tailor using authentic materials and techniques. Available with the and available with White and Red backing for the following Korps assignments:

Sold in pairs.


White: I, II, IX, X, XII


Selection: 1915 Pattern Officer Shoulder Boards

Product no. Color Status Price
1119107-W Weiss
24.50 € *
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1119107-R Rot
24.50 € *
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1119107-B Blau
24.50 € *
1119107-Y Gelb
24.50 € *
Prices include VAT, plus delivery


Product Note Status Price
Golden Rank Stars Golden Rank Stars
4.50 € * Notify on availability
Prices include VAT, plus delivery
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